What Does it Mean to Be a Child of God?

An abstract of Connor Kraus’ sermon on November 3, 2024, in the Galatians series. Watch the sermon video here.

Have you ever wondered what it really means when people talk about being a "child of God"? Is it just a nice way of saying you believe in God, or is there something more to it? Let's explore this unique concept together.

More Than Just a Title

Being called a child of God isn't like getting a participation trophy or checking off another box on your spiritual journey. It's much bigger than that. When you trust in Jesus as your Savior, you actually become part of God's family. These aren't just nice words – they are a real change in who you are and how God sees you.

Everyone Is Welcome

One of the coolest things about God's family is that everyone who believes in Jesus can join. In the ancient world, people were divided by things like:

  • Whether they were Jewish or Greek

  • If they were slaves or free people

  • Whether they were men or women

But God says these divisions don't matter in His family. While we still have our different backgrounds and cultures (which can be beautiful!), they don't determine our worth or place in God's family. Everyone who trusts in Jesus gets the same amazing privileges as God's child.

What Do God's Children Get?

Being God's child comes with some incredible benefits. Here are some of the main ones:

1. A Close Relationship with God

You get to call God "Father" - not in a formal, distant way, but in an intimate, loving way. Think about how you might talk to a parent who loves you deeply. That's the kind of relationship God wants with you!

2. Freedom from Sin

While we still make mistakes, we're no longer trapped by sin. It's like being freed from chains that were holding us back. We have the power to make better choices through God's help.

3. A New Family

When you become God's child, you join a huge family of believers - not just people alive today, but everyone throughout history who has trusted in Jesus. You're never alone!

4. Inner Peace About Salvation

God's Spirit lives in His children and gives them a deep sense of peace about their salvation. When you wonder "Am I really saved?” God's Spirit reminds your heart that you belong to Him.

5. An Amazing Future

God's children will inherit incredible things in Heaven - things so amazing we can't fully understand them yet. It's like having a trust fund in Heaven that never runs out!

6. Protection

Being God's child means you're eternally secure. While we still face hard times, nothing can separate us from God's love or take away our place in His family.

How Do You Become God's Child?

This might surprise you, but it's actually pretty simple. You don't need to:

  • Complete a long checklist

  • Be perfect

  • Have a certain background

  • Perform special rituals

Instead, it's about trusting in Jesus as your Savior. Remember the thief who was crucified next to Jesus? He simply believed in Jesus, and Jesus told him, "Today you will be with me in paradise." That's all it takes!

Living as a Child of God

Once you're part of God's family, you can start enjoying these amazing benefits immediately. You can:

  • Talk to God as your loving Father

  • Trust that He's always looking out for you

  • Know that you belong in His family forever

  • Look forward to the incredible future He has planned

Here's the really good news: once you're God's child, you can't lose that position. It's not about being perfect - it's about being loved perfectly by a perfect Father.

What Now?

If you're thinking about what it means to be God's child, take a moment to consider: Do you want this kind of relationship with God? Do you want to be part of His family? You don't have to have it all figured out. Just like a child trusts their parent, you can take that first step of trusting Jesus today.

Remember, God's family has room for everyone who believes in Jesus. You're invited to be part of it!


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