We serve, not because we have extra time or special skills, but because it’s what God calls us to do.
Simply put, our mission of leading people to life in Christ means loving God, loving others, and sharing biblical truth and the love of Jesus with others in our community and around the world. There are endless ways you can be part of that mission. Here are just a few:
Ministry Volunteer Opportunities
No matter what your interests or skills may be, you have something to contribute to our church community. Here are just as few opportunities:
Serve coffee and donuts on Sunday mornings.
Greet guests at the door.
Help on the tech team or share your musical gifting on our worship team.
Interact with kids and teens through our children’s ministry or student ministry.
Lead an adult small group or a Bible study.
Serve with one of our support groups.
Help organize and distribute clothing through our free clothing closet.
Donate to or serve at our outreach events for families and children.
Local and Global
Outreach – Local and Global Missions:
We provide support to more than 50 mission organizations and individuals. That’s about 20% of our annual operating budget!
Some of the most impactful ways to serve involve reaching people outside our church family. TBC invests heavily in outreach efforts in our community and provides annual support for mission workers and organizations that serve worldwide. You can participate in these efforts through volunteer work or financial support. Volunteer through prayer, participating in encouragement teams, or attending co-laborers ’ monthly meetings.
Jim Congdon
Missions and Leader Development Pastor
Worldwide Mission Reach:
TBC-Supported Mission Organizations:
These organizations are just a few to whom we provide annual support. Click the logos to learn more about each and find out how you can serve or otherwise support their work.