Becoming an official member of our congregation is a great way to foster spiritual growth.
Membership is completely voluntary. We desire that people who are church members participate regularly in the Discover-Connect-Serve discipleship process and receive encouragement from members of our Elder Board. Members can also vote for elder and deacon board nominees and the upcoming budget at our annual meeting and can opt into our secure online member directory.
What does it mean to be a member?
Members are contacted twice per year by a member of our Elder Board. The purpose of this connection is to provide encouragement, accountability, and prayer. We are an elder-led church, and this is a great opportunity to strengthen the bonds of fellowship as we seek to learn more about your needs as a congregation member.
Members sign a Member Covenant in which they agree to model discovering, connecting, and serving for the entire church. The covenant outlines what it looks like to live out these actions. View the Member Covenant now..
Members can access our online church directory. We understand the importance of connecting with one another, which is why we are creating an online directory. The safety and privacy of our community are top priorities, so we have chosen to make this directory accessible only to official members of our church.
Members can vote at our annual meeting. Each February, our members review and approve our annual operating budget and confirm a slate of nominations for our Elder and Deacon Boards.
Scroll down to see other Membership-Related FAQs.
What’s my next step?
To become a member, register for our next Membership Class (one hour on two consecutive Sundays). These classes are led by a member of our Elder Board. Attendees who complete the class will be asked to sign a Member Covenant and will meet with a member of our Elder Board before membership is complete.
Membership FAQs
There has never been priority placed on serving members over non-members with regard to pastoral care, and that will continue to be the case. Occasionally, benevolent requests are made to the church, and we try to determine the nature of the individual’s connection to TBC; membership makes that process easier.
If someone consistently fails to uphold the things outlined in the Member Covenant, they would be removed from membership. But this is separate from church discipline in that someone may be removed – or want to be removed – from membership and still worship at TBC. However, we would hope that the desire to discover, connect, and serve would be something we’re all striving to keep!
We welcome your questions! Send an email to elders@discovertbc.com, speak with someone at the Welcome Center, or talk with a pastor.